اعلان وظائف جامعة المنصورة الجديدة لكافة التخصصات منشور فى 15-5-2019 والتقديم عبرالانترنت ,اعلان وظائف جامعة المنصورة الجديدة لكافة التخصصات منشور فى 15-5-2019 والتقديم عبرالانترنت ,اعلان وظائف جامعة المنصورة الجديدة لكافة التخصصات منشور فى 15-5-2019 والتقديم عبرالانترنت ,اعلان وظائف جامعة المنصورة الجديدة لكافة التخصصات منشور فى 15-5-2019 والتقديم عبرالانترنت ,اعلان وظائف جامعة المنصورة الجديدة لكافة التخصصات منشور فى 15-5-2019 والتقديم عبرالانترنت

Deadline for application from 15 May to 10 June 2019
Within the framework of the efforts of Egypt in advancing the development of the higher education system, the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research has established a number of fourth-generation universities in line with the international standards. The Ministry of Higher Education announces the vacancy opening for posts at the four universities, as follows:
First: University Leaderships (Apply Now)
To select prominent scientists with experience on both scientific and administrative positions to occupy the positions of:
President of the University
Vice President for Academic Affairs
Vice President for International Affairs
Vice President for Research
Secretary General
Second: Academic Staff (Apply Now)
Faculty members (Professor / Associate Professor / Assistant Professor) in diffrenet specializations are needed in all majors in the university faculties. The applicant must be currently employed at a university (in Egypt or abroad).
Third: Assistants Staff (Apply Now)
Teaching assistants and supervisors of specialized laboratories. Holders of a Bachelor of Science or Master of Science degree in the appropriate specialization according to what is mentioned in the university sites for each job.
Fourth: Information Technology Specialists (Apply Now)
Holders of a Bachelor of Science, or Master of Science degree in Information Technology related specialization.
Fifth: Adminsitration Staff (Apply Now)

Employees for all administrative and technical sites. Holders of a Bachelor of Science, or a Bachelor of Arts degree. Previous experience is a plus to serve in admission, registration, secretarial and financial affairs departments.
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اعلان وظائف جامعة المنصورة الجديدة لكافة التخصصات منشور فى 15-5-2019 والتقديم عبرالانترنت ,اعلان وظائف جامعة المنصورة الجديدة لكافة التخصصات منشور فى 15-5-2019 والتقديم عبرالانترنت ,شاهد المزيد من هناا http://ra2gnet.ncairo.com/
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